Seven decades on this planet have led Rob Watlov down many different paths. Automotive sales, teaching, college, and adventures in the outdoors are just a few. In the first part of this century Rob suffered a heart attack while on an adventure in Canada. It was certainly a wake up call for Rob. The experience caused him to lean even more into his Creator. Rob is a Christian with a heart for his fellow man that’s just about as big as the outdoor world he loves. He knows that simply experiencing the great outdoors has a special way of drawing each of us closer to the Creator. That’s what led him to become the founder of Legacy Fishing Retreat Ministries.

Rob has seen that people’s hearts are genuinely changed, even transformed, when they experience the wonder of the outdoors, completing a part of them they often didn’t know was missing. Rob’s focus on the hearts of people and his Christian walk came to clarity when he was 55. Rob’s personal history included some tough bumps and bruises, like most of us. That however didn’t disqualify him from starting Legacy Fishing Retreat Ministries. If anything, it became the catalyst for the impact this organization would make. Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge, other organizations and many individual families have been impacted by Rob and the others who share their love of the outdoors and make Legacy Fishing Retreat Ministries all that it is.
Rob ended our time together saying, “Be ready to be more than what you thought you would be” because "God knows the plan He has for You, a plan for good, not for evil, for a future and a hope; to those who truly seek Him." (Jeremiah 29:11)