American Faces No. 106
Here is the meaning of compassion: To see the suffering of others and to choose to walk alongside them.
I think woven into the very DNA of Rob Bergfalk is a gene for compassion. Ok maybe there isn’t a gene but I do think there is a deep soul-level drive that moves Rob to make a difference in the community he has been called to. That community is Anoka, MN where he first started Compassion Church in 2021. From that 2021 church launch, a small church has grown into a group of people who are making a tangible difference in their community. You can find them serving at Stepping Stone, Hope 4 Youth or with people in the community who are experiencing homelessness. Then, in 2024 Rob and Compassion Church opened Compassion Coffee; open daily Monday - Saturday serving amazing coffee along with pastries from its next door neighbor Krown Bakery. The vision for Compassion Coffee is to empower people affected by homelessness. They hope to provide employment, skill training and resources for those who are struggling.
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Rob isn’t just a guy that talks the good talk; he is a man who lives out the true meaning of compassion. He talks with kindness and dignity to his employees and patrons alike. He also shared a story of how the compassion mindset of the coffee shop was able to bring rest and warmth for those struggling in the community. It was very stirring for me to hear his heart for people.
As our time was ending, I asked him the question, “Why do people need compassion?” He shared, “Everyone struggles in some way, shape or form. Everyone needs someone to care, to see them, to remind them that they are loved.” It is through caring that true change is possible in people's lives.
My hope is that those who read this help reflect the definition of compassion in some way in 2025. The world will definitely be a better place because of our actions!
Photos and story by: Nielsen Studios
Editing by: Cristine Nielsen