Tom Sherman drives his big, white, double axle Snap-On Tools truck over the roads near Rogers, Minnesota, taking care of his clients the old-school kind of way – one stop and one person at a time. Tom’s spent his whole adult life (and a few teenage years as well) in the Snap-on Tool Company in one fashion or another. It was in the early 1990’s that a man named Paul Johnson first gave him a chance as a young salesman for Snap-on. Tom pledged not to let Paul down. To this day, his personal integrity, and an incredible work ethic, are what continue to drive Tom to go the extra mile – literally! But for Tom, the mechanics he calls on each day are more than customers...
While his wife, Katie, and daughter, Emma, are the center of this man’s life, Tom calls many of his customers dear friends. Over the years, and over many “extra” miles of delivering personal care, those friends and customers have found a genuine hero in Tom. If Snap-On gave capes to their guys I think Tom would certainly have earned it. He truly cares about his customers and wants to see them succeed. In return, those long-standing friends and loyal customers have helped Tom become one of the top three Snap-On franchises in sales. He said it means the world to him, and he’s so thankful, to have so many long-standing customers he can count as friends. A little misty-eyed he told me, “I don’t want to let them down.” You know, if we each lived out those words, like Tom, we could make a real impact in this world.
Best Wishes,
Shawn Nielsen